Saturday, September 17, 2011


Breast-feeding interested me because of the discussion from week one. Breast feeding is a bonding mechanism from a mother to a child. The mother is continuing the bonding process where the child receives milk in which the mother produces. It cost efficient, prevents disease and promotes health.

I learned in Africa that Breastfeeding is very normal. As women they are free to walk around and breast feed their children. In some studies it showed mothers who worked did not have time to breastfeed, but in poor areas the mother was adequately able to breast feed.

There was an interesting study I wanted to share with everyone. It was a study
Explore why women initiate breastfeeding early or late, who gives advice about initiation and what food or fluids are given when initiation is late.

Two facts that stood out to me where:

Beliefs about ‘first milk’ were mixed. A belief that it was harmful sometimes resulted in delayed feeding as women waited for the ‘good’ milk to come, however, some women squeezed the milk out and fed on day one.

Other reasons for late initiation were that the baby did not cry (indicating it was not hungry) or because the mother or baby needed rest after a long or difficult birth.

My work is impacted by the way, I need to be more cultural aware that breastfeeding is accepted in some families and some may not and that is okay. I know that maybe if the child is lacking some bonding with the mother, that I may not impose my views of maybe suggesting breastfeeding.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birth Development

I never had a personal birthing experience except for my own. My mother told me I was one month early and I could not wait to come out. She had a pretty easy pregnancy, she didn’t throw up and she only had one craving during birth and that was strawberries, hence the birthmark on my bootie : ). She stated she went to all her prenatal appointments, took her vitamins and she was prepared for me to come out. I will never remember that event but she did let me know that I cried for a few minutes and that was it.
My thoughts on child development is one sentence..”Without Life, Life Can Not Move On.”
Birth in the US vs Third World Country

Third World
Prenatal Care
No Prenatal Care
Prenatal Vitamins
No Prenatal Vitamins
Sterile Instruments
No Sterile Instruments
Family Support
Family Support (Some countries do not allow it)
Days off work
Some mothers are to work the very next day
After Care
No After Care if a Child is Disfigured they may be killed.