Saturday, August 13, 2011

Code of Ethics

"We shall provide services and supports to children and families in a fair and equitable mannerwhile respecting families’ culture, race, language, socioeconomic status, marital status, and sexual orientation."
DEC Code of Ethics 

This plays a big part to my professional and personal life. Services should be applied to every household that have children. A child who doesn't speak English should recieve services from a educator who is giving those same services to a child who can speak English. Money, culture and even sexual orintation of a parent should never play a part in giving a child good quality education.

"We shall involve the family in significant decisions affecting their child."
Naeyc Code of Ethical Conduct 

Involving the family is always an important and meaningful thing for me. Families sometime just don't care, don't have the time, or just not knowledgeable in the school system. We must include them if it means phone calls, letters, showing up at the door.

"We shall use research designs and analyses in an appropriate manner by providing a clear
rationale for each. We shall provide enough information about the methodologies we use so that others can replicate the work."

DEC Code of Ethics

Research is important but I must state that allowing to test children from more areas and stop foucsing on one area so we can get better understanding from each child's preception.