Friday, July 8, 2011

The Center of the Master's of Science in Early Childhood Studies Program

This is me and my favorite pasttimes as a child. Dancing as free as I can be, no worries, just me and the music!

Deepak Choprah
This line reminds me of when you take everything as a child and open the door to adulthood.

Favorite Book

One of my favorite books is “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch. This book tells the story of a man despite the age and how far he went; his mother’s love was unconditional. She would every night she would bring her baby to bed and sing this lullaby….
“I’ll love you forever
I’ll like for always
As long as I am living
My baby you’ll be”
These words are little but hit you so strong. Love is a powerful word and Mr. Munsch play with the word where love is forever and like is always but forever trumps always.


  1. I like the lullaby from that book because at the end of the day we all want to be loved.

  2. One of my favorites books too :). I love your picture because it shows the innocence of childhood as you said free with no shames :)

  3. Wonderful book! My children loved it. It has a great message for us all.
